US moves closer to direct military exchange with Russia

So now Washington is aping the Luftwaffe - and bragging about it!

Aside from the fact that this idiot has it upside down - like the rag he's published in does frequently - the very event described is a failed air raid, successfully defended against by the Russians.

But consider this - if (it looks more like "when" than "if" at this point) these idiots try harder and take out some Russians in Moscow, there will certainly be a demand by the Russian people for their government to deliver swift and terrible retaliation.

Not against Kiev - although that, too.

Against US. American civilians. In American.

And against civilians in the UK and European Union.

Remember what the people here were like after 9/11?

Biden is creating that mood in Russians. Don't listen to the assholes who promised 20 years ago that US soldiers "would be greeted with flowers" by Iraqis. Russians, like Iraqis, get righteously angry and fight back when attacked.

Unlike Iraqis, Russians DO have WMDs.

LOTS of them.

And they have the means to deliver them to any inch of land inside the US that they choose.

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