Fox Does a Phil Donohue on Tucker Carlson

Most popular show on cable was the only one to question Ukraine war

In the last neocon war setup, MSNBC fired its biggest audience draw, Phil Donahue, to prevent him from airing anything that contradicted the massive war propaganda campaign about Iraq.

Tucker Carlson has been allowing those who challenge the uniform narrative about Ukraine to have an airing for quite some time. This includes questioning the blue-and-yellow haze that has covered a massive transfer of public wealth from the people to arms manufacturers, tempting a nuclear holocaust for their trouble.

Fox has, apparently, decided to do a replay of MSNBC. A red-tinted mirror, if you will, of the blue tinted servant of empire who together are apparently tasked with peddling two opposing sides of the same phony narratives, denying the people any facts about public events while keeping them agitated and at each other's throats.

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