Pacifica Radio National Press Conference


National Press Conference - Pacifica Radio 

Thursday, March 9, 2023, 11am PT
3729 Cahuenga Blvd W., Studio City CA 91604


LOS ANGELES - Pacifica Radio, America’s largest non-commercial progressive radio network is facing a hostile takeover that threatens the existence of its Los Angeles station KPFK and the entire network. 

Pacifica’s National Board (PNB) has been taken over by a politically motivated group called “New Day” who work to end its democratic governance structure, turn it into a censored, tamed NPR – or to destroy it. In the past few years, “New Day” has initiated 2 failed By-law referendums and 6 lawsuits, costing the network over $400,000 in legal fees so far.

Pacifica Radio is a unique exercise in democracy and the inventor of listener-sponsored, non-profit, independent radio in the U.S. It was founded by conscientious objector Louis Hill in 1946 and is supported by countless celebrities like Tim Robbins, Jack Black and Roger Waters. Pacifica has been a beacon of hope and information for the progressive movement. Today, Pacifica has 5 stations KPFK (Los Angeles), KPFA (Berkeley), WBAI (New York), WBFW (Washington) and KPFT (Houston), as well as 250 affiliate stations nationwide. KPFK has the most powerful radio signal west of the Mississippi. Being in a unique position to spread uncensored, political news, Pacifica has been under attack by political operatives for years – but the current illegal power grab by the PNB might run it off the cliff.

The current PNB have canceled mandatory elections, illegally extended their own term limits, suspended multiple members of the Los Angeles station KPFK and put the Los Angeles building up for sale – all without approval of their listener-members. The only thing that stands between KPFK and its imminent destruction is the Los Angeles Local Station Board and staff, which is fighting a bitter court battle to save the network.

The current actions by Pacifica’s PNB against KPFK Los Angeles reveal parallels to the 2019 lockout of WBAI staff in New York. Back then, the PNB also illegally interfered to censor the programming. A court order, signed by a judge in pajamas in the middle of the night, put a stop to it.

The current lawsuit, initiated recently by the KPFK Local Station Board Chair Ziri Rideaux and 23 Pacifica members from all 5 stations aims to bring the illegitimate PNB back into compliance with the Bylaws and the CA corporate code. It’s demands are to:

-Stop the sale of the KPFK building

-Remove the termed-out delegates from all boards immediately to restore legitimacy

-Initiate the long overdue elections

-Reverse all actions by the illegitimate PNB that suspended members, muzzled complaints and attempts to handpick Local Station Board members in disregard of the member-elected representatives

-Reinstate the KPFK Board which has been declared illegal by the illegitimate PNB

The court date is set for 3/30 at LA Superior Court.

The impending building sale would mean Game Over for KPFK, for tens of thousands of listeners and for about a hundred volunteers and staff. The fight for KPFK’s survival is also the fight for freedom of the press and for critical reporting in an increasingly propagandized, censored media landscape.

KPFKnot4sale is an initiate started by KPFK members that have taken a stand against the illegal actions of the PNB and that enjoys broad grassroots support from all 5 Pacifica stations. KPFKnot4sale fights for a democratic, transparent governance structure, fair elections and for independent free speech radio as required by our mission statement. Please visit to find out more about the fight to save KPFK and Pacifica Radio and how to get involved. You can also write to to express your opinion to the PNB.


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