I asked Rep. Mike Lawlor for a Town Hall on Ukraine

Mike Lawler Facebook post:

February 27 at 5:00 PM

Putin is a thug and a tyrant who must not be allowed to succeed in Ukraine. If he does, I am confident he will go into Moldova and other former Soviet satellite countries. It is important that we speak with one voice that the United States and our allies around the world continue to oppose Russia, and provide Ukraine with the support that they need, militarily and financially to win this war.


My reply:

March 11, 2023 at 2:30 PM

You're wrong, Rep. Lawler. Russia doesn't need more territory. The very idea is infantile. The US has been wrangling for control of Ukraine since 1945, and seriously since 1991. There were TWO coups - one by stolen election and the other outright violent seizure of power. US spent $5 billion on creating a communications infrastructure in Ukraine that fueled the uprising and infected the population with hyper-nationalism and outright fascism, targeting Russia specifically. The policy is intended to try to take down the Russian state. I don't care what those briefing you say is possible, this policy risks global war, including nuclear war, and it is not necessary. If you can't look at the map and realize that the fact the war is being fought on Russia's border means we are the aggressor then you really need to do a complete re-evaluation of your role in this.

I ask that you at least have a community meeting on the issue - sooner rather then later - to get a sense of the people before we are fully committed to war with Russia. I ask that you do NOT substitute your own judgment for that of your constituents on this before consulting with a broad section of us. And I would appreciate some of your time to discuss this further.

I tried to do this with Nita Lowey before Bush blew up Iraq https://youtu.be/uiRgr46ROMg

Unlike Iraq, Russia can shoot back. And given their experience of the 1990s, the people of Russia will not allow their government any other course of action. Believe me on this. It's true.

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