Today's lesson - HOUSING

In Gadhafi's Libya - before Obama, Biden and Clinton bombed the hell out of it and raped and murdered him with a bayonet - housing was a human right.

EVERY FAMILY owned their own home free-and-clear, with no mortgage, property tax or other money due.

From Gadhafi's Green Book, "Housing"

Housing is an essential need for both the individual and the family and should not be owned by others. Living in another’s house, whether paying rent or not, compromises freedom. 

Attempts made by various countries to solve the housing problem did not provide a definite solution because such attempts did not target the ultimate solution – the necessity that people own their dwellings – but rather offered the reduction, increase, or standardization of rent, whether it went to privately or publicly owned enterprise.

In a socialist society, no one, including society itself, has the right to control people’s needs. No one has the right to acquire a house additional to his or her own dwelling and that of his or her heirs for the purpose of renting it because this additional house is, in fact, a need of someone else. Acquiring it for such a purpose is the beginning of controlling the needs of others, and “in need freedom is latent.”

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