As WW III gathers, Senate confirmation hearings are a shitshow

Seven reasons why this vetting of a proposed Supreme Court Justice, like all of the previous ones going back quite a ways, is an absolute shitshow, put on for people who have no idea what the role of the Supreme Court is, and what power there is lying within it for enforcing the Constitution and international law upon the President and Congress.

Questions you will not hear:

1. How would you rule in the event of a facial violation by the President of the Constitutional powers of Congress to be the sole decider of making war?

2. How exactly would you rule on cases brought against the President for violating the War Powers Act?

3. How will you treat the issue of standing in these cases?

4. How will you treat actions against the President and/or Congress for making and/or declaring war in violation of various treaties that the US is a party to, including the UN Charter?

5. How would you rule in cases that required the details of each and every Pentagon budget and the budgets of us intelligence agencies be made public?

6. How would you rule on cases regarding the status of entities like Meta/Facebook, Google, etc., as common carriers in terms of their interference in, and editorializing of, the communications of the members of the public?

7. Please explain your understanding of the Citizens United decision with respect to the question of free speech.

You won't hear anybody raising these questions in any venue anywhere - that includes Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now, Tucker Carlson and a host of others.

We are given a choice between candidates that would support a nuclear war and are in favor of abortion rights and candidates who would support a nuclear war and are opposed to abortion rights. Substitute gay rights, trans rights, racism, sexism, etc., for abortion rights

 Get the picture?

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