What is the role of a true vanguard party?
Revolutions are made when a LEADERSHIP evolves that knows how to unify the disparate and contradictory segments of the working and other (e.g., peasant) dispossessed classes in order to focus their power upon the common enemy and bring that revolution into being. The role is NOT to act as some self-appointed class of ideology instructors and priests to make sure all have the same line on every piece of the minutiae of human existence under the present order which is being challenged. The Russian Revolution is a perfect example. The war-weary victims of WW I demanded "Peace". The hungry in Russia demanded "Bread". The peasants living as serfs, in foreclosure/eviction, demanded "Land". Lenin and the Bolsheviks raised the cry of "Peace, Bread & Land" ("МИР, ЗЕМЛЯ И ХЛЕБ!") and presto ! It really isn't rocket science. The one's who need the proper ideology are those who would organize and then lead. That ideology must begin from...