
Showing posts from April, 2010

What is going on in Washington, and what can we do about it?

With our economy in shambles, our military fighting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (and our leaders making noise against Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia, Somalia and Yemen), our infrastucture decaying and our state and local governments on the brink of bankruptcy, the very same Washington politicians who promised change in 2006 and 2008 seem instead completely devoted to continuing on the course charted out over the last decade by their supposed rivals. Why is this? Why can a Democratic President and Democratic Congress not bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan? And why have they instead increased the number of troops in Afghanistan and expanded the war to Pakistan? Why did the transfer of wealth from the working- and middle-classes to the wealthy actually intensify under President Obama and the Democratic Congress from the record levels reached under President Bush and the Republicans? And why did so many Democrats campaign on promises to continue the Bush tax ...